Is your mortgage still working for you?

A mortgage is a long-term commitment, which many people enter with a ‘set and forget’ mentality. Most loans are around 30 years – during which many things can change, not just in your personal circumstances but in the financial world, with the new loan products and fluctuations in interest rates.

If you haven’t reviewed your loan for a while, now is a good time to consider whether it still suits your circumstances or whether you’re better off making some changes. It’s what many Aussies are doing, with the ABS reporting the value of owner-occupier refinancing of $13.4 billion last November.i

Reviewing your loan

It is a good idea to review your loan annually and there’s no better time than the present.

While this can seem like an arduous task, it doesn’t need to be complicated. To ensure you’re receiving the best interest rate for your loan – and whether your loan is still fit for purpose – ask yourself a few things:

  • Has there been a change in your employment status?

  • Has there been a change in your family situation?

  • Have your financial goals changed?

  • Are there pressing matters that need financing (i.e. renovations)?

  • Are you wanting to invest or change your existing investments?

Knowing where you are standing financially can help you decide whether it’s worth refinancing and chasing a better interest rate, or whether your existing mortgage is still working for you.

Types of refinance loans

There’s not just one type of refinancing, but many different types of refinance loans, including:

Rate-and-term refinance loan: This is where you replace your loan with a new loan that is the same amount, but at a changed interest rate and/or term. This is the most common refinancing option and often what people think of when it comes to refinancing.

Cash-out/cash-in refinance: A cash-out refinance loan enables you to access the equity in your home by taking out a new loan with a higher loan balance than your existing loan.

A cash-in refinance loan has you lowering your overall loan amount by contributing a lump sum – this is done by taking out a new loan less than your old loan, paying out the difference to close your old loan.

Fixing your interest rate: A fixed loan guarantees a locked interest rate for a period of time (usually between 1 – 5 years). This is a popular option during a time of rate hikes. However, it can come with drawbacks such as not being able to take advantage of any rate cuts.

Split loans: As its name suggests, a split loan allows you to split your loan into multiple parts with different interest rates and terms.

Consolidation refinance: This is where you combine all your various debts into the one debt (including credit cards, car loans, etc) and therefore one repayment.

Things to keep in mind

While (generally speaking) the goal of refinancing is to save money, there are a few considerations to be aware of, so you don’t end up paying more in your quest to save.

Refinancing can impact your credit rating, causing it to drop. However, this dip is short-term and shouldn’t have too big an effect on your credit score in the future.

Another thing to consider is you may need to pay Lender Mortgage Insurance (LMI) again. For most borrowers, you’ll need 20% of the property’s current value to avoid paying LMI again, keep in mind the value of your property may have changed since you first took out your loan.

There are also costs related to refinancing, such as application fees, discharge/break fees and valuation fees. Some lenders waive these costs or offer a discount, so ask what you will be expected to pay and try to negotiate.

Your bid for refinancing may be rejected if you have accumulated too much debt or if your living expenses are now too high. Changes to your loan could also stretch out the repayment period, leading you to pay more in the long run.

Keeping on friendly terms with your mortgage

Whether you decide to refinance or stick with your current loan, by refamiliarising yourself with the conditions of your loan and assessing your financial situation, you’ll be better placed than if you ‘set and forget’.

Give us a call to discuss your existing loan and circumstances and to chat about your future financial goals.


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